Article Index

1. To what extent were economic considerations responsible for the 1969 coup in Libya?

2. ‘Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was primarily responsible for his downfall’. Discuss

3.  Assess the achievements of the organization of African Unity (OAU) between 1963 and 1980

4. Explain the challenges faced by any one independent African State in adopting the import substitution strategy of development

5. Describe the education reforms introduced in Kenya between 1963 and 1985

6. Why was the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)formed in 1955?


7. Why did Malawi adopt Multi-Party democracy in 1994?


8. Explain the causes and effects of the 1976 Soweto uprising

9.Examine the role of the Resemblement Democratique Africain (RDA) in the decolonization of French West Africa between 1947 and 1957

10. Account for the occupation of Ethiopia by Italy during the 1935-41 crisis


1. Examine the influence of cultural patterns on the utilization of resources among the Baganda during the 19th century

2. Describe the economic and social organization of the Maasai during the early 19th century

3. Assess the impact of slave trade on the economic and social life of the peoples of East Africa during the first half of the 19th century

4. Examine the role of labour organizations in the economic and social development of Tanganyika during colonial rule

5.  Assess the impact of the lad consolidation policy on the economic development of Kenya since independence

6.How did Christian missionaries influence economic and social developments in east Africa between 1875 and 1945?

7. Describe the economic and social developments in Uganda between 1900 and 1945

8. Discuss the factors that led to the formation of East African Community (EAC) in 1967.

9. Explain the effects of foreign Aid on the economic and social development of any one country in East Africa

10.. ‘The education system in Tanzania has failed to achieve social transformation since independence ‘. Discuss