1. (a) Examine Abubakar’s service to slam before he became a caliph.

    (b) Analyse the problems he faced as caliph

2. To what extent did Prophet Muhammad’s mission influence change in the socio-economic order of pre-Islamic Arabia?

3. .(a) Acount for the rise of Haruna al Rashid to power.
     (b) How did he consolidate his grip on power?

4. (a) Describe the early life of Marwan bin Hakam.
    (b) Examine his contribution to the consolidation of his Umayyad dynasty.

5. Assess the contribution of Umer bin Abdul Aziz to the prosperity of Islam during the Umayyad caliphate.

6. Sulayman I of the Ottoman Empire was awarded the tittle “Sulayiman the magnificient”. Justify the award of this title to Sulayman I

7. Analyse the new features and influences on the social-political scene under the Abbasids

8. Justify the description of the years AD 975 – 996 as a golden period of the Fatimid caliphate.

9. Assess the contribution of Ubaidullah to the consolidation of the Fatimid caliphate.

10. (a) Account for the rise of the Safavids.
      (b) What were the effects of their rule on the Muslim community?

11. Examine the contribution of Moghuls in the field of:
     (a) Art.
     (b) Architecture.

12. .(a) Examine the pagan beliefs and practices of the Arabs in pre-Islamic Arabia.
       (b) How did Islam deal with these benefits and practices?