1. Assess the contribution of Mirambo to the history of East Africa during the second half of the 19th Century

  2. How did the French administer Algeria between 1870 and 1914?

  3. Examine the causes and effects of the 1898 Fashoda crisis.

  4. Account for the collapse of the Mandinka Empire by 1900.

  5. Explain the causes and effects of the 1880-81 War of the Guns in Basutoland.

  6. Examine the causes and effects of the 1904 -07 Nama-Herero resistance in South-West Africa (Namibia).

  7. To what extent was the colonial education system beneficial to the peole of Uganda?

  8. Assess the impact of the mineral revolution on the peoples of Southern Africa up to 1914.

  9. Describe the organization of the Ndebele state by the second half of the 19th Century.

  10. Explain the contribution of Christian missionaries to the history of Nyasaland (Malawi) by 1914.