1. Explain the role played by Otto Von Bismarck in the unification of Germany

2. Account for the collapse of the Concert of Europe by 1825.

3. Examine the causes and consequences of the 1848 revolution in Austria.

4. .To what extent was the Sarajevo incident responsible for the outbreak of World War I?‘
5. ‘The weaknesses of Turkey were primarily responsible for the success of the Greek War of independence in 1821.’ Discuss.

6. Josef Stalin’s policy was primarily responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War.’ Discuss.

7. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty.

8. Account for the occurrence of the Great World Depression between 1929 and 1935.

9. Why was France at war with other European countries between 1791 and 1799?

10. Examine the significance of the 1945 Yalta Conference in the history of Europe.