1.a) Examine Peter’s teaching on Holy living. (1 Peter 1: 13-25)

b) Show the ways in which this teaching is applicable to Christians


2. a) Discuss the teachings of James on trials and endurance in times of difficulty.
b) Analyze the relevance of this teaching to Christians in Uganda today.


3. a) Why did Jesus use discourses in His teaching in John’s Gospel?
b) How effective was the use of discourses by Jesus in the Gospel of John?


4.Examine the circumstances which facilitated the fast spread of the Gospel in the early Church.


5.. a) Account for the delay in the writing of the New Testament books.
b) Justify the Church’s decision to have the Gospel written.


6. To what extent was Jesus understood as the expected Messiah by His audience according to the Gospel of Mark?


7. ‘Jesus’ Ministry was good news to His audience according to the Gospel of Mark’. Justify this statement.


8. a) Account for the disciples’ failure to understand the identity of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark.
b) Examine the factors that may cause Christians to misunderstand the Church leaders today.


9. a) Discuss the significance of Jesus’ appearances to His disciples after resurrecting, in John’s Gospel.

b) Explain the ways in which Jesus reveals Himself to believers today.


10. Account for Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion in the Gospels of Mark and John.


11. a) Discuss Paul’s teaching concerning food offered to Idols.
b) Suggest lessons that Christians in Uganda today can learn from this teaching.


12. a) Analyze the circumstances that prompted Paul to write his letter to the Galatians.
b) Explain the significance of the letter of Galatians to Christians today.