1. The rate of diffusion of molecules increases with increase in

A. molecular weight of molecules

B. size of the diffusing molecules

C. density of the substance

D. temperature


2. A. a meter rule

B. Venire calipers

C. a tape measure

D. a micrometer screw gauge


3. Cathode rays are deflected by electric field because they

A. have a high speed

B. ionize gases

C. are charged

D. are light


4. The quantity whose unit is the coulomb is

A. current

B. charge

C. resistance

D. potential difference


5. Mercury is not used to measure very low temperatures because it

A. expands regularly

B. has a high boiling point

C. does not wet glass

D. has a high freezing point


6. A water fall can be used to produce electricity because it has

A. electrical energy

B. light energy

C. mechanical energy

D. sound energy


7. Which one of the following statements about sound explains how beats are formed?

A. Interference of two sound waves of slightly different frequencies

B. Diffraction of sound waves through an opening

c. Refraction of sound waves as they travel from one medium to another

D. Reflection of sound waves of bigger amplitudes


8. A person pushes a tou cart along a leel road and lets it to go. Which one of the following presents the correct order of energy changes which occur when the cart slows down to rest?

  1. Heat energy à Kinetic energy + Sound energy
  2. Kinetic energy à Heat energy + Sound energy
  3. Kinetic energy à potential energy + Sound energy
  4. Potential energy à Heat energy + Sound energy


9. Air conditioners are placed near the ceilings other than the floor because they

A. create path for radiation to be emitted to every corner of the room

B. make conduction of heat more efficient for the whole room

C. keep the whole room warm because hot air rises and cold air sinks

D. keep the whole room cool because hot air rises and cold air sinks


10. Which one of the following effects will take place when two equal and opposite forces act on a moving object? It

A. accelerates uniformly

B. is brought to rest

C. changes direction

D. moves with the same speed


11. An object is placed between a convex lens and its principal focus. Which one of the following statements about the image formed is true?

A. real, magnified and erect

B. virtual, magnified and erect

C. virtual, diminished and inverted

D. real, diminished and inverted.


12. Find the power expended when a pump lifts 200kg of water through a vertical height of 0.6m in 1s

A. 33.3W

B. 120.0 W

C. 333.3 W

D. 1200.0W


13. The advantages of alternating current over direct current in power transmission are;

i) frequency is precisely controlled

ii) alternating supply can be stepped up to higher voltages

iii) most appliances and electronic devices require alternating current

A. (i) and (ii) only

B. (ii) and (iii) only

C. (i) and (iii) only

D. (i) , (ii) and (iii)


14. Which one of the following determines whether a body will float in a liquid?

A. Weight of the body

B. Volume of the body

C. Surface area of the body

D. Average density of the body


15. Objects viewed through a blue-tinted glass appear blue the

A. glass is transparent

B. glass transmits only blue

C. glass reflects only blue

D. objects reflects the blue color


16. Which of the following statements about the process of charging an accumulator is/are true?

i) The positive and negative terminals of the cell are connected to the negative and positive terminals of the charger respectively

ii) The charging source should have an e.m.f equal to that of the accumulator

iii) Charging is done until the relative density of the electrolyte is 1.25

A. (i) and (ii) only

B. (ii) and (iii) only

C. (iii) only

D. (ii) only


17. Which one is the correct order of decreasing wavelength of radiations?

A. Gamma rays, X-rays, ultra-violet, visible light, infra-red and radio waves

B. Radio waves, infra-red, visible light, ultra-violet, X-rays and gamma rays

C. X-rays, gamma rays, visible light, ultra-violet, infra-red and radio waves.

D. Gamma rays, X-rays, infra-red, visible light, ultra-violet and radio waves


18. A spring balance has a maximum reading of 10N and the length of the calibrated scale is 20.0cm. A block of wood suspended from the balalnce stretches the spring by 15.0cm. Find the weight of the block.

A. 2.5N

B. 7.5N

C. 15.0N

D. 20.0N


19. A person carrying a heavy load on bare head puts on a head ring made of banana leaves so that the

A. area of contact with the load is big and pain is lower

B. area of contact with the load is small and pain is lower

C. force exerted by the load is lower and the pain is lower

D. force exerted by the load is higher and the pain is lower


20. A zinc plate is placed on the cap of a gold-leaf electroscope and exposed to ultra-violet radiations. Which one of the following explains what is observed?

A. Zinc plate gains electrons, becomes negatively charged causing the leaf to deflect

B. Zinc plate emits electrons, becomes positively charged causing the leaf to deflect

C. Zinc plate emits positive charges, beomes negatively charged causing the leaf to fall

D. Zinc plate emits electrons, becomes negatively charged causing the leaf to deflect


21. Which of the following properties are true about hard X-rays?

i) They have high penetrating power

ii) They have high frequency

iii) They travel at a speed of less than that of light

A. (ii) only

B. (i) and (iii) only

C. (i) and (ii) only

D. (ii) and (iii) only


22. When constructing large halls, some reverberation is left to occur because

A. it enables production of a loud clear sound

B. the audience absorbs some sound and without reverberation left, sound is not heard clearly

C. the speakers in the hall need to hear the echo so as to hear what they are saying

D. all the sound will move outside the hall and the people inside will not hear


23. Which of the following is/ are true about the magnitude of a force on a wire carrying current placed in a magnetic field?

i) It is zero if the wire is parallel to the magnetic field

ii) It is small if the wire is not at right angles to the magnetic field

iii) It increases with the strength of magnetic field

A. (i) only

B. (i) and (ii) only

C. (ii) and (iii) only

D. (i), (ii) and (iii)


24. An ideal transformer has 2000 turns in the primary coil and 6000 turns in the secondary coil. This transformer is used to change an input of 24V, 3.0A. What is the current output of the transformer?

A. 1.0A

B. 8.0A

C. 9.0A

D. 72.0A


25. In an oil film experiment, the thickness of the oil film is taken to be the size of the oil molecule because the

A. oil film is cylindrical

B. oil drop spreads until it is one molecule thick

C. lycopodium powder makes the oil film visible

D. volume of the oil is equal to the volume of the oil film


26. Reflecting prisms are preferred to plane mirrors in optical instruments because

i) no energy is lost to refraction and reflection

ii) Clear images are formed

iii) they are easier to fix

A. (i) and (ii) only

B. (ii) and (iii) only

C. (i) and (iii) only

D. (i), (ii) and (iii)


27. Figure 5 shows a structure of beams built to support a load

Which of the beams below are under tension?

A. OR and PR

B. SQ and UV

C. TR and OP

D. RP and UV


28. Figure 4 shows a circuit diagram of three resistors of resistances 1Ω, 6Ω, and 6Ω connected to a 2.0V supply of negligible internal resistance

Find the current through the 1Ω resistor

A. 0.5A

B. 2.0 A

C. 6.5 A

D. 8.0 A


29. What happens to speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave as it travels from shallow end to the deep end of a ripple tank?







Remains the same

Remains the same



Remains the same




Remains the same






30. A spanner length 20cm is used to tighten a nut. If a force of 50N is applied at right angles to the end of the spanner, find the moment of the applied force

31. The distance between two successive dots on a tape is 4cm. If the frequency of the ticker timer which makes the dots is 50Hz, find the velocity of the tape in ms-1.

32. Figure 3 shows a bar magnet which has picked up an iron nail

If the plotting compasses P and R are placed in the positions shown, in which direction will R point?

33. A gun of mass 10kg fires a bullet of mass 0.05kg with a velocity of 400ms-1. Find the recoil velocity of the gun.

34. An electric heater is used to melt 2kg of ice at 00C into water at 00C in 5s. If the specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.36 x 105kg-1, Find the power used

35. Figure 1 shows streams of particles from a radioactive source directed between two charged plates

Which one of the following radiations are presented by P,Q and S respectively?

A. Alpha particles, Beta particles and Gamma rays

B. Gamma rays, Beta particles and Alpha particles

C. Beta particles, Gamma rays and Alpha particles

D. Alpha particles, Gamma rays and Beta particles


36. Figure 2 shows a semi-circular glass block in which light incident at angle of 480 with the glass-air interface is refracted along the interface.

Find the refractive index of the glass

37. A body weighs 520 N on earth. If the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 ms-2, find the mass of the body in grammes.

38. A fixed mass of a gas exerts a pressure of 75cmHg at 370C. If the temperature increased at constant volume to 1000C, find the new pressure.

39. The following readings were obtained in a experiment to determine the density of a liquid

Mass of an empty beaker = 20g

Mass of beaker + liquid = 70g

Volume of the liquid used = 60cm3

Using the above data, fins the density of the liquid in gcm-3


40. Which one of the following atoms are isotopes?

41. a) What is an alpha particle?

b) Radium nucleus  decays to Radon (Rn) by emitting an alpha particle

i) Write the nuclear equation for this reaction

ii) Describe the nuclear composition of Rn

c) State two industrial uses of radioactivity


42.a) What is ferromagnetic material?

b) Describe briefly how to magnetize a steel bar using an electrical method.

c) Give two examples of non-magnetic materials.


43. a) i) What is meant by capillary depression?

ii) Give one example of a liquid which undergoes capillary depression

b) Briefly explain the causes of capillary depression


44. a) State one application in which knowledge of density is required.

b) Explain why it is not easy to determine the density of a substance in a powder form

c) A piece of rubber of density 1.45gcm-3 displaces 25cm-3 of water when placed in a cylinder of water. Calculate the mass of the rubber.


45. a) Define Mechanical Advantage of machine

b) Figure 6 shows a load of 10N being raised by a simple frictionless pulley system

Image fig 6

i) What is the velocity ratio of the system?

ii) Calculate the effort required to lift the load if the mass of the pulley is 0.2kg


46. a) What is an antinode as applied to a stationary wave?

b) The distance between two successive antinodes of a standing wave on a string vibrating at 80Hz is 24cm. Find the speed of the waves.

c) Why does the same sound note played on a piano sound different when played on a guitar?


47. a) i) What is energy?

ii) State in order of occurrence the energy changes that take place when a torch bulb is switched on.

b) Calculate the work done to move a load of 50N through a distance of 60.0cm


48. a) What is meant by the terms optical centre and pole as applied to optics?

b) A converging lens of focal length 18cm produces a virtual image three times the size of the object. Sketch a ray diagram to show the position of the object


49.a) What is meant by uniform acceleration?

b) Explain what a cyclist going round a curved track should do to keep along the track

c) The driver of a vehicle travelling at a velocity of 20ms-1 applies the brakes and comes to rest in 5s. Calculate the distance travelled in this time.


50. a) How is an ammeter different from a voltmeter in terms of resistance?

b)i) How can an ammeter be adopted as a voltmeter?

ii) A millimeter of full scale deflection of 5mA and resistance 76Ω is to be converted into an ammeter of full scale deflection of 0.1A. Find the size of resistor to be used.