Answer all questions in this section

1. a) (i) State five factors that affect digestion of cooked meat in the stomach.

(ii) Name all the products of digestion of grilled meat.

b) An important mineral present in fish and lacking in meat is.............................................

c) State four reasons for coating fish for frying.

d) Name four major conditions necessary for fermentation to take place in bread making.

(i) ...........................................................................................................................

(ii) .........................................................................................................................

(iii) .........................................................................................................................

(iv) ........................................................................................................................

e) Give two major purposes of refrigeration.

f) Why is it necessary to always cover food put in a refrigerator?

g) Explain why wheat flour is more popular than other cereals in cake making.

h) Why is yoghurt suitable for invalids?

Write the correct answer A, B, C or D against each question in the box on the right hand side of each question.

2. Why are vegetables best eaten raw? Because

A. Of their natural color and flavor.

B. They are digested easily.

C. They offer full value of vitamins and minerals.

D. They satisfy hunger since they are bulky.

3. Vitamin B12 is responsible for

A. Prevention of nutritional anaemia.

B. Prevention of megaloblastic anaemia.

C. Release of energy from the food eaten.

D. Reconstitution of amino acids from food to body proteins.

4. Essential fatty acids are

A. Stearic acid, palmitic acid, butyric acid.

B. Linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, linolenic acid.

C. Linolic acid, palmitic acid, arachidonic acid.

D. Stearic acid, butyric acid, linolenic acid.

5. The following are examples of monosaccharides.

A. Lactose, glucose, Galactose.

B. Fructose, sucrose, lactose.

C. Glucose, fructose, Galactose.

D. Fructose, maltose, sucrose.

6. Heat is transferred to the potatoes being boiled by

A. Radiation and convection.

B. Convection and conduction.

C. Microwave and radiation.

D. Conduction and microwave.

7. Assimilation of nutrients refers to

A. Digestion of nutrients in alimentary canal.

B. Absorption of nutrients into the blood stream.

C. Utilization of nutrients in the body.

D. Reconstitution of nutrients in the body.

8. The best method of cooking sirloin of beef is

A. Stewing

B. Boiling

C. Roasting

D. Steaming

9. nitrogen intake is in equilibrium when nitrogen

A. Excreted is equal to that ingested.

B. Ingested is equal to that utilized.

C. Excreted is more than that ingested.

D. Ingested is more than that excreted.

10. Dietics means the scientific study of

A. Food preparation in a sophisticated style.

B. Balanced diets for all people.

C. Special nutrient requirements only.

D. Different foods and their nutrients.

11. Lipids are important in the diet because they

A. Make food soft and appetizing.

B. Make food and easy to digest.

C. Provide high concentration of energy.

D. Make people round and healthy.

12. The main reason why proteins are needed in the body is to

A. Provide fats and protection under the skin.

B. Give warmth and energy

C. Make new cells for growth and maintenance.

D. Make strong gums and blood.

13. Choose the best methods of incorporating air into mixtures.

(i) Sieving the flour

(ii) Creaming fat and sugar

(iii) Folding and rolling

(iv) Adding whole eggs lightly beaten

A. (i), (ii), (iii).

B. (i), (ii), (iv).

C. (ii), (iii), (iv).

D. (i), (iii), (iv).

14. In a queen cake mixture, carbon dioxide comes from the reaction between.......................and an acid.

A. Sodium bicarbonate.

B. Steam.

C. Alcohol.

D. Enzymes.

15. One of the following vitamins is not found in vegetables

A. Vitamin E.

B. Vitamin D.

C. Vitamin C.

D. Thiamine,

16. Which of the following sets of food stuffs can provide the greatest amount of essential Amino acids?

A. Milk, eggs, meat.

B. Eggs, soya beans, ground nuts.

C. Cheese, butter, yoghurt.

D. Fish, milk, beans.

17. The essential amino acid deficient in cereals is

A. Lysine.

B. Tryptophan.

C. Methionine.

D. Valine.

18. Copper cooking utensils are usually lined with tin or stainless steel on the inside because copper

A. Reacts unfavorably with some foods.

B. Has a high conductivity of heat.

C. Is a poor conductor of heat,

D. Conserves heat.

19. The bacteria responsible for culturing yoghurt is

A. Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

B. Lactobacillus butyric.

C. Tuberculosis bacterium.

D. Staphylococci bacteria.

20. A good diet should have...................................of its energy value from fat.

A. Below 10%

B. Between 25 - 30%

C. Above 30%

D. Between 10 - 20%

21. What happens to excess vitamin C in the body? It is

A. Stored in the kidney.

B. Excreted in the urine.

C. Stored in the liver for use.

D. Bound to iron.


Answer only one question from this section.

22. a) Discuss the functions of the following in the human body.

(i) Dietary fiber,

(ii) Water.

b) Identify all the properties of carbohydrates and state their uses in cookery.

c) Explain the importance of vitamin D in the body.

23. a) What is an amino acid?

b) Explain the effect of protein deficiency in the body.

c) Giving examples, write snort notes on the following.

(i) Biological value of protein,

(ii) Negative nitrogen balance,

(iii) Elimination of excess amino acids in the body.


Answer two questions from this section.

24. a) Which factors would guide you when choosing,

(i) An electric kettle,

(ii) Kitchen cloths?

b) How would you care for the items mentioned in 24(a) above?

c) Clearly explain exercise easy, quick and pleasant.

25. a) What should be considered when choosing methods of preparing food?

b) Outline the general rules for re- heating left over food.

c) Name two baked and two deep fried dishes made from re- heated foods.

26. a) Giving examples, describe the methods of preservation which operate under the principal of removal of moisture.

b) Discuss how you preserve the nutrients in eggs when storing and cooking.

c) Outline the basic procedure for making jam.

27. a) Explain fully why the following points should be considered when planning meals.

(i) Season,

(ii) Age and occupation,

(iii) State of health,

(iv) Appearance of the meal

b) What points would you consider when planning the diet for a slimmer?



1. a) Show by preparing a buffet meal, how a wide variety of interesting and popular local foods can be served attractively for visiting tourists.

b) Make an impressive centre piece from local material.

2. Your sister is discharged from hospital after successfully delivering twin girls.

a) Prepare a suitable mid - day meal for her to have on her arrival.

b) Make ginger bread bread for her afternoon tea.

3. a) Prepare soup and a main meal suitable for your convalescent parents' additions prepare a pudding using a cereal.

b) Make bread rolls and serve with tea on a tray.

4. a) choosing dishes to show use of eggs in cookery, prepare, cook and serve three dishes for a family of four using:

(i) fish,

(ii) milk,

(iii) Vegetables.

b) Complete this meal by cooking and serving a suitable accompaniment. Include a beverage.

c) Make ginger bread.

5. Members of the school P.T.A Executive are visiting your school.

a) By using only charcoal stove, prepare and cook an interesting meal using foods from a local farm.

b) Make an attractive creamed cake for their evening tea.

6. a) Choose, prepare and serve one interesting dish from each of the following.

(i) A convenience food,

(ii) Left over meat stew,

(iii) Grilling method of cooking.

b) Prepare a suitable accompaniment to be served with the left over meat in (ii) above for a lactating mother.

c) Prepare a weaning dish.

7. a) From each of the following food items, prepare cook and serve interesting dishes for two grandmothers.

(i) Meat.

(ii) Milk.


b) Select suitable accompaniments to dishes in 7(a) above to complete a lunch meal for them.

c) Prepare queen cakes for use later.

8. a) Your brother is going on a journey. Make use of the following items, to make attractive dishes which she will carry for her packed meal:

(i) rough puff pastry,

(ii) cassava,

(iii) Fruit.

b) Prepare an afternoon tea and serve with a suitable accompaniment.