Article Index


41. (a) Name two poisonous substances found in tobacco.

(b) state any two effects of cigarette smoking by pregnant women to their unborn babies.

42. In the diagram below, Q, R and S show the stages of germination of a seed. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the part marked X.

(b) How is the part marked X useful to the seedling at stage R?

(c) Why is the part marked X useless at stage S?

(d) What type of germination is shown by the seed?

43. The table below shows joints and their position in the human body. Study and complete it correctly.


joints position in the body




suture joint







44. (a) State any two agents of soil erosion.

(b) Give two ways in which soil erosion can be controlled in hilly areas.

45. (a) what type of change takes place when an iron tool rusts?

(b) Give two conditions necessary for rusting to take place on an iron tool.

(c ) State any one effect of rusting on iron tools.

46. (a) Apart from egg eating, name nay one other vice in poultry.

(b) Give any one cause of egg eating in poultry

(c) State any two ways of preventing the egg eating vice in poultry.

47. The diagram below shows a kerosene lamp. study and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the art marked with letter Z.

(b) Why is the part marked R made of glass?

(c) Give the importance of the parts marked X and Y when the lamp is in use.

48. (a) Name the group of crops that are harvested year after year.

(b) Give any two examples of crops that belong to the group you have named in (a) above.

(c) State one way in which the above crops are harvested.

49. The table below shows a group of animals in A with their respiratory organs in B.

Tilapia                   moist skin                        
mosquito lungs
frog gills
dog spiracles

write against each animal below, its respiratory organ from B.

(i) Tilapia

(ii) Mosquito

(iii) Frog

(iv) Dog

50. (a) In the human reproductive system, state where each of the following processes take place

(i) Implantation

(ii) Production of sperms

(iii) Production of female hormones

(b) Give any one use of the placenta to the foetus during pregnancy.

51. The diagram below shows a system of grazing cattle.
study it and use to answer the question that follow.


(a) Name the system of grazing cattle shown in the diagram above.

(b) Besides restricting the animals, give two other advantages of this system of grazing cattle.

(c) State any one disadvantage of system of grazing cattle shown in the diagram.

52. (a) Give two ways in which Primary Health Care (PHC) is an important programme in the community.

(b) State any two roles of a school health committee.

53. (a) What name is given to the practice of growing crops and trees together on the same piece of land?

(b) State two ways in which crops benefit from trees when they are grown together.

(c) Give one proper method of harvesting trees in the practice named in (a) above.

54. Study the diagram of an electric circuit below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the parts marked K and N.

(b) State the energy change that takes place at L when M is closed.

(c) Give any one form of energy produced at K when M is closed.

55. The table below shows classification of plants.

study it carefully and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the group of plants shown by the following letters.
(i) A………………………………………………………………..
(ii) B ……………………………………………………………………
(iii) C…………………………………………………………………….
(b) Give any one plant that belongs to the box labeled D

