Article Index


51. Read the passage below and then answer, in full sentences, the questions that follow.

Long ago, there was a hunter who used to catch animals using a trap. One day, he set a trap in one of the thick bushes near his home. After some hours, he went to check his trap. He was sure that he would find at least an animal in it. As he walked nearer the trap, he saw a snake in it. The man was shocked.

"So it is you inside my trap!" the man said.
"Please le me out!" the snake cried.
"I've got you this time!" said the man as he started looking for a big stick.
"Please, don't kill me! If you let me out, we shall be good friends" said the snake.
"If I let you out of the trap, will you promise that you won't bite me?" asked the man.
"I promise! I promise that I won't bite you. You will be very safe if you let me out of this dangerous trap" replied the snake.
"Alright, I'll let you out." Said the man. So, the man set the snake free.
"Aha! I'm now free. I'm now going to bite you because you were the one who set the trap" said the snake.
Just as the snake was about to jump on the man, Mr. Rat arrived at the place.
"Whaat's the matter?" Mr. Rat asked.
"I had set my trap to catch animals. But this unfriendly snake got caught in it. He begged me to let him out and he promised not to bite me if I set him free. After letting him out, he changed his mind. He was just about to bite me when you arrived," the man explained to Mr.Rat

"I see! I see!", said Mr.Rat as he was now thinking of what should be done.
"Let's do this. Could you set the trap again and let me see exactly how snake got caught in it?" Mr. Rat asked the man.

"Yes. I'll do that." Replied the man as he set the trap again.
"Now, my friend Mr.Snake get in and let's see how you got caught in this trap." Mr. Rat said politely. The snake agreed and entered the trap. Once more he was unable to escape.
"There you are," Mr. Rat told the man.
"Now you can go ahead and kill him so tha" we are all safe. Mr Rat added.
The man collected a big stick and killed the snake.

"What can I do to reward you?" the man asked Mr. Rat
We shall share whatever food you eat," replied Mr.Rat. The man agreed

(a) where did the hunter set his trap?
(b) Which animal did the hunter find in the trap?
(c) Why did the snake want to bite the hunter?
(d) why did Mr. Rat ask the man to set trap again?
€ What did the man use to kill the snake?
(f) What reward did Mr. Rat get from the hunter?
(g) Give a word or group of woods with the same meaning as each of the underlined words in the passage.
(i) escape ...................................................................
(ii) reward ..................................................................
(iii) safe ......................................................................
(h) Suggest a suitable title for his this passage.

52. Study the given information carefully and answer, in full sentences, the questions that follow

Primary seven pupils of Buko Primary school were given the end of term test and they were asked to take note of the following instructions.

(i) Answer all questions.
(ii) The total mark is 100.
(iii) You lose ten marks if you don't number your answers.
(iv) You lose ten marks for poor handwriting.
(v) You loose ten marks if you cancel any of your answers.
(v) You lose five marks for any questions you don't answer.

Four pupils did the following:
Muse did all questions, numbered his anwers, but cancelled one and wrote very poorly.
Lucy did all questions and followed all instructions.
Agnes did not number her answers although she did all questions.
Halima did not answer two questions, forgot to number her answers and wrote very poorly.

(a) How many pupils failed to number their answers?
(b) Why do you think Lucy got the highest marks?
(c) Why instruction was followed by most of the pupils?
(d) What advice do you think Musa could have given Agnes?
e Which pupil needs more help from the teacher?

B Read the notice below and answer, in full sentence, the questions that follow

(a) Which band is going to present the show?
(b) Where will the show take place?
(c) At what time will the show end?
(d) Which people are allowed to attend the show free of charge?
(e) What special gift will everybody who attends the show get?

53. Read the following poem carefully and then answer, in full sentences, the questions that follow.

Road accidents! Road accidents!
Road accidents here, and road accidents there.
East to West, North to South
On every road they frequently occur
Cries and cries are heard everywhere
Sweeping across the whole country.

The sources of information in the country
All the radios and the televisions,
All the newspapers we read
Cover the same sad news
People are confused!

I suggest to all the pedestrians:
Be careful while crossing the roads.
To you the cyclists and motorists.
Stop over speeding everywhere
It is the root cause of suffering.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen,
The young and the old,
Boys and girls,
Let us join hands.
To wipe-out this road cancer!

(a) How often do road accidents take place?
(b) Why are people confused?
(c) what suggestion does the writer give to the pedestrians?
(d) According to the writer, what is the main cause of road accidents?
( e) What does the writer advise all the people to do?
(f) For each of the following underlined words in the poem, give a word or group of words with a similar meaning:
(i) occur .............................................................
(ii) pedestrians .....................................................
(iii) wipe-out ..............................................................
(iv) cancer ..................................................................
(g) suggest a suitable title for the poem.

54. The following sentences are not in their correct order. Re-arrange them correctly to form a good composition about "Indiscipline in Schools".

Others say, it the government to blame for not allowing children to the punishe d in schools
(b) There is a lot of indiscipline in many schools nowdays.
(c) They feed them with only academic matter at school.
(d) Therefore teachers, parents and the government should work together to improve disciplines in schools.
( e) This question is very difficult to answer.
(f) This too much love misleads children.
(g) However, I personally think it is the parents to blame.
(h) Why is this indiscipline widely spreading?
(i) Parents show children too much love at home.
(j) Some people say, it is the teachers who do not hundle the children properly.

55. Your results for the Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) were quite good. You were given a place in Rerema Mixed Secondary School. P.O BOX 15, Slip from your former primary school. The results slip is needed in your new school.

Using your new address, write a letter to the head-teacher of your former primary school. Tell him or her that you have started your Senior One studies in the new school and ask him or her to sent you the PLE Results - slip.