1. The importance of a master slide in presentation software is to……..

A.      insert items that appear on every slide

B.      display multiple slides on a screen

C.      relate data in slides

D.      filter data in slides

2. The following are types of system software except……….

A.      operating systems

B.      expert systems

C.      utility routines

D.      programming languages

3.An artificial environment that is created with a software and presented to the user is……..

A.      interactive mode

B.      virtual Reality

C.      advanced Robotics

D.      real mode

4. One physical measure of preventing computer systems from computer crime is………….

A.      setting passwords

B.      activating firewalls

C.      data encryption

D.      burglar proofing

5. The format for describing the location of resources over the internet is………

A.      ISP

B.      DNS

C.      WEB

D.      URL

6. The HTML tags used in bolding the word “example” are………

A.      <b> example <b>

B.      </> example <b>

C.      <b> example</b>

D.      examplw <b></b>


7. The part of the Central Processing Unit that performs logic operations and calculations is the………..

A.      ALU

B.      Control Unit

C.      ROM

D.      Logic Unit


8. The command that displays files and directories on the command line is……..

A.      C:\> cd

B.      C:\>dir

C.      C:\>cls

D.      C:\>md


9. Which one of the following is an example of a translator in programming?

A.      Compressor

B.      Debugger

C.      Defragmenter

D.      Complier


10. In spreadsheet software, the file you create and save is called a……….

A.      Document

B.      Worksheet

C.      Workbook

D.      Spreadsheet


11. The idea of networking of computers was introduced in the generation of computers.

A.      first

B.      second

C.      third

D.      fourth


12. Section breaks in Word processing are used to divide the document into

A.      subtopics

B.      columns within a table

C.      paragraphs

D.      parts between pages


13. The purpose of air conditioning in a computer laboratory is………

A.      upgrading computer software

B.      regulating power consumption

C.      regulating temperature

D.      upgrading computer hardware


14. A web browser is a ……

A.      program that enables you to view and explore information on the web

B.      page that appears each time you start your web

C.      collection of programs maintained by the web master

D.      page which has links to other web pages.


15. The following are advantages of a LAN except……

A.      it is relatively inexpensive and easy to install

B.      all computers on the LAN can be connected to the Internet at the same time

C.      each computer can access resources from other computers on the LAN

D.      all computers on the LAN can share peripherals over the Internet


16. A diagnostic process that a computer runs to determine if the hardware is working properly when a computer is switched on is………..

A.      power-on self test

B.      down loading

C.      debugging

D.      trouble shooting


17. The computer specification that would determine the quality of a picture in a computer system is the………..

A.      screen size

B.      screen resolution

C.      hard disk capacity

D.      RAM capacity


18. Which of the following is not a unit of data storage?

A.      Field

B.      Bit

C.      Byte

D.      Character


19. One of the functions of a database management software is to……

A.      enhance presentation

B.      download attachements

C.      update records records

D.      mail merge


20. The following are classifications of computers by “purpose”:

A.      Mainframe and microcomputers

B.      Special and general computers

C.      Digital and analog

D.      Minicomputers and microcomputers


21a) What is a computer?

b) Name the keyboard buttons used to perform the functions shown below.

i) When the key is pressed, it takes the cursor to the next line.

ii) Pressing the key changes the input mode to uppercase

iii) When pressed it deletes a character to the left of the cursor

c) Write down two contributions of computers in the area of teaching and learning.

d) Give one task done by each of the following computer professionals.

i) Computer Programmer

ii) Computer Technician

iii) Database Administrator


22 a) i) Explain the function of an input device.

ii) Give one example of an:

Input device

Output device

b) Define a device driver in a computer.

c) Name any three system requirements considered before installing windows operating system on a computer.

d) Give one reason why a computer may be restarted.


23a) What is a formula in a spreadsheet?

b) Describe how names on a list of members can be sorted in ascending order in a spreadsheet.

c) The manager of Muvule supermarket uses a database to store data about groceries they sell as reflected in the part of the database below. Use it to answer questions that follow:







Frozen carrots



Ago Vet









Garlic powder




Baking Powder


i) How many records are there in this part of the database?

ii) How many fields are there in this part of the database?

iii) If the records in the database are sorted in descending order of NUMBER IN STOCK, what will be the barcode of the first record in the database after it has been sorted?

iv) Give the name of the field that contains numeric data.

v) Explain why the manager assigned BARCODE as the primary key.


24a) Describe the following terms:

i) Repeaters

ii) Gateway

b) State any two types of data transmission media

c) List any four major design considerations of a website.


25 a) Describe a footnote in a Word processing document

b) Name the two types of page orientation

c) State what is meant by the action cut and paste while working on the computer.

d) Give any two presentation software.

e) i) Differentiate between slide transition and side animation as applied to presentation software.

ii) Outline the main purpose of the slide sorter view.


26 a) i) Explain the term Application software

ii) Give two examples of application software

iii) Outline two factors to consider before buying an application software

b) Define the following term in relation to computer programming.

i) Source Code

ii) Keyboard


27. A user wishes to buy a laptop computer. Describe five specifications to consider when buying the laptop.

28. Assuming you have secured a contract of networking computers in a computer laboratory, sketch and explain four possible network layouts you can present to the contractor for approval.

29 a) Explain three reasons why a flowchart would be used instead of a pseudocode to solve a problem

b) A school uses a simple computerized system to manage students’ results. The school administers three examinations namely; beginning of term (BOT), middle of term (MOT) and end of term (EOT). The systems administrator has set the system to get the total of the three examinations and find the average which used to promote the students to the next class. If the average is below 50 student is dismissed. Write a suitable algorithm that will manage the students’ results.