Answer all the questions in this part. For questions 1, write the letter corresponding to the best answer.

1. a) the following farm activities can be performed in a crush except

A) castrating bull calves

B) spraying to control ticks

C) vaccinating against diseases

D) Carrying out artificial insemination.

b) Which one of the following is not a reason for secondary tillage?

A) Helps to burry the surface vegetation.

B) Controls weeds and crops pests.

C) Creates good condition in the sell for germination.

D) Levels the soil and facilitates fertilizers application.

c) Anplasmosis is caused by

A) Ticks.

B) Protozoa.

C) Bacteria.

D) Viruses.

d) Which one of the following activities illustrates the first stage in the production function?

A) Overstocking in a paddock.

B) Insufficient use of fertilizer.

C) High feeding rates for a dairy cow.

D) Purchase of a tractor for a small area of land.

2. a) State the sources from which obtain nutrients.

b) How would you identify phosphorous deficiency in a growing crop?

3. Outline five milking practices to ensure maximum milk production.

4. Explain four precautions that should be taken to ensure proper drying of timber.

5. Give five reasons why there may be changes in demand for an agricultural commodity.



Answer four questions including at one from each section. Write your answer in the answer booklet provided.



6. a) Describe how compost manure is prepared, using the Indore method

b) Outline the benefits of using organic manure as a source of plant nutrients.

7. a) Explain the importance of vegetable growing.

b) What problems do vegetables growers face?

c) Explain the following practices in vegetable growing.

i. Pricking out

ii. Hardening off.

8. a) Outline the dangers of soil erosion on arable land.

b) Describe the mechanical methods of controlling soil erosion.




9. a) Outline the characteristics of a good diary cow.

b) Explain why most farmers in Uganda continue to rear indigenous cattle.

10. a) Explain why each of the following management practices is carried out.

i. Grooming

ii. Culling

iii. Restraint of animals

b) Describe how the rubber ring method of castration is done.

11. a) Describe how you would ensure maximum production of high quality eggs in a deep litter system.

b) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of free range system of poultry keeping.




12. Explain the causes of fluctuations in the price of agricultural products.

13. a) Describe how power produced in the engine is transmitted to the rear wheels of a tractor.

b) Explain the conditions under which traction may be reduced in a farm tractor.

14. a) Explain the factors that determine the type of machinery to buy for farm use.

b) Give reasons why diesel rather than petrol engines are used on farm tractors.