Answer all the questions in this part. For question 1 circle the letter corresponding to the best answer. For question 2 to 5 write all answers in the spaces provided.

1. a) Which one of the following is described as uncertainity in farming?

A. Technological changes in production

B. Accident to employees

C. Pest and disease outbreak

D. Theft of products

b) A poultry bird showed the following the signs: yellowish green diarrhea, paralysis and thick yellow mucus discharge from the mouth. The disease it is suffering from is most likely to be

A. Fowl pox

B. Coccidiosis

C. New castle

D. Salmonella caused

c) In a tractor engine, a dip stick

A. Incidents the level of oil in the sump

B. Indicates the level of fuel in the tank

C. Operates the p.t.o.

D. May be used to play grease to engine parts.

d) Which one of the following factors is critical in chemical weed control?

A. Type of crop

B. Type of weed

C. Stage of weed growth

D. Stage of crop growth

2. Give four reasons why it is advisable to plant crops in rows.

3. State two functions of each of the following parts of a tractor.

a) Fuel injector pump

b) The hydraulic system

4. a) Explain what is meant by gross margin in farm accounting.

b) Suggest four ways which a farmer can increase his profit margin.

5. a) Give two major reasons for debeaking poultry birds.

b) Suggest four reasons why a poultry farmer may prefer the deep litter system of management.



Answer four questions including at least one from each section. Write all your answers in the answer booklets provided.



6. a) Outline the similarities and differences in the working of diesel and petrol engines.

b) What care should a farmer give to a tractor battery?

7. a) State the importance of farm structures in production.

b) Outline the quantities of a good calf house.

8. a) Explain the meaning of the term market as used in agriculture.

b) Discuss the problems that affect the marketing of agricultural products.




9. Describe in detail, the raising of tomato seedlings from nursery bed preparation to transplanting.

10. a) Outline the characteristics that make weeds more successful than crop plants in the field.

b) Describe the common methods of weed control.

11. a) With the aid of a flow diagram, describe the nitrogen cycle.

b) What observable signs on crop plants indicate a deficiency of nitrogen in the soil?




12. a) Describe how you would prepare to receive day old chicks for rearing.

b) How would you manage the day old chicks from the day of arrival till they are four weeks old?

13. Outline and explain the steps you would take to produce clean and safe milk from a dairy herd.

14. a) Explain the following practices used in livestock improvement.

i) Selection

ii) Cross breeding

iii) Inbreeding

b) Outline the advantages and limitations of artificial insemination.