Answer all the questions in this part. For question 1 circle the letter corresponding to the best answer. For questions 2 to 5 write all answers in the spaces provided. You are advised not to spend more than 30 minutes on this part.

1. a) Which one of the following is not a variable input in agricultural production?

A. Labour

B. Seeds

C. Land

D. Fertilsers

b) In the reproductive system of a hen, then uterus is also referred to as the

A. Isthmus

B. Shell gland

C. Infundibulum

D. Magnum

c) Which one of the following pairs of plant and livestock diseases are caused by viruses?

A. Maize streak and foot and mouth disease

B. Coffee berry disease and rinderpest

C. Cassava mosaic and foot rot

D. Tomato blight and anplasmosis

d) Which one of the following statements best describes steaming up?

A. Feeding dry cows to induce heat

B. Feeding lactating cows to increase milk production

C. Feeding in calf cows protein rich ration prior to calving

D. Fattening steers with protein rich ration prior to selling off.

2. Giving four factors that favour the growing of root crops in most parts of Uganda.

a) .....................................................................................................................................

b) ....................................................................................................................................

c) ....................................................................................................................................

d) ....................................................................................................................................

3. State four desirable characteristics of a plant that make it suitable for use as a green manure plant.

a) ....................................................................................................................................

b) ......................................................................................................................................

c) ........................................................................................................................................

d) ......................................................................................................................................

4. a) define the term cannibalism as used in poultry farming

b) List three causes of cannibalism in a poultry house

i. ..................................................................................................................................

ii. ..................................................................................................................................

iii. .................................................................................................................................

5. Suggest four reasons for carrying out primary tillage.

a) ........................................................................................................................................

b) ..........................................................................................................................................

c) ........................................................................................................................................

d) .......................................................................................................................................

e) ......................................................................................................................................



Answer four questions including at least one from each section. Write all your answers in the answer booklets provided.



6. a) What are the advantages of using wood as a building material?

b) Describe the methods that can be used to treat wood for farm use,

7. a) Explain how the following climatic factors affect agricultural production:

i) rainfall distribution

ii) rainfall reliability

iii) temperature

b) With the aid of illustration, describe the wayer cycle.

8. a) State the causes of over heating on a water cooled tractor engine.

b) How would you ensure that the cooling system in the tractor works efficiently?

c) Give the advantages of using water as a coolant.




9. a) Outline the benefits of using proper spacing in crop production.

b) Give the advantages and disadvantages of intercropping.

10. a) Describe the methods of applying solid fertilizers to the soil.

b) Discuss the factors affecting response by crops to fertilizers.

11. a) What are the advantages of using herbicides to control weeds?

b) Outline the precautions that should be taken when applying herbicides in the field.




12. a) What is meant by the term "standing heat"?

b) Describe the signs of heat in a cow.

c) Why is early detection of heat important?

13. a) Describe the effects of parasites on farm animals.

b) Outline measures that can be taken to control parasites in farm animals.

14. a) Explain the following terms:

i) stocking rate

ii) night pad docking

iii) rotational grazing

iv) communal grazing

b) i) What problems are associated with communal grazing?

ii) How can the problems mentioned in (c)(i) be solved?