1. Give any one use of proteins in the human body.

2. Name the part ofa flowerinbg plant which grows into a side branch.

3. State any one factor to be considered when selecting a site for keeping honey bees.

4. Why is it advisable to chew food properly before sallowing it

5.Give any one way n which evaporation is important in the enivronment.

6. State any one way in which Athlete's foot can be controlled among school chldren.

The diagram below shows a light ray G onto a lens. Use it to answer questions 7and 8


7. Name the type of lens in the diagram above.

8.Complete the path of ray G as it passes through the lens.

9. Name the vector which spreads river blindness to people.

10.State any one way of conserving fossil fuel.

11.Why are tomatoes grouped as annual crops?.

12. State any one element of Primary Health Care (PHC) which is important in the prevention of COVID- 19.

13.How does cigarette smoking affect the human lungs?.

14.State the reason whythe volume of water in  a container rises when a stone is lowered into it.

15.Name the part of a human tooth that contains blood capillaries and nerveendings.

16.Give any one role a school Health Club can play in the control of malaria in a communtiy.

17.Give any one condition that may make an electric bulb fail to produce light in a complete circuit.

18.Name any one human body organ protected by the rib cage.

19. Give any one way in which you can reduce chances of accidents when crossing the road.

20.Which type of weather favours proper harvesting of beans?.

The diagram below shows one of the management practices of goat rearing . Use it to answer question 21and 22.

21. Name the management practice  shown with letter B.

22. How is the above practice important to a goat farmer?.

23. Why does sound travel fastest in solids compared to other states of matter?.

24.Mention any one way in which food may get contaminated after it has been prepared.

25. State any one way in which the spread of tuberculosis can be controlled.

Use the dagram of the animal below to answer questions 26 and 27.

26. Identify the class of vertebrates to which the above animal belongs.

27. How does the above animal protect itself?.

28. Mention any one way in which you can prevent some clothes from staining others during washing.

29.State any one way in which an adolescent can control bad odour that results from body changes.

30.How does tapeworm infestation lead to malnutritionin humans.

31. State one wayin which water is important during seed germination.

32. State any one way in which echoes can be reduced in a large hal.

33. Write down any one activity that members ina School Science Club can do to conserve the environment.

34.Name one excretory product removed by the lungs.

35.State one reason why ash is usually applied arond the pit hole of a latrine.

36. Give one way mouldes are to similar to ferns.

37.Give any one way in which regular physical exercise help to maintain the muscular-skeletal system heathly.

38. Give any one effect of cloud over ina an area.

39. Give any one way in which drug posioning can be prevented among children at home.

40. Apart from proper insulation , state any one other way of protecting chilfren against shock at home.


41.State  the type of change that takes place when;

(a) A kinfe rusts

(b) Water freezes

(c) A friut ripens

(d) Salt dissolves in water

42. The diagram below shows a cattle grazing ssytem. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the cattle grazing system shown above.

(b) What type of natural manure can be got from the above system?.

(c) Apart from easy collection of manure , state any two advantages of the above cattle grazing system.

43. (a) Give the meaning of the following terms:

(i) Sanitation

(ii) Personal hygiene

(b) Identify any two activites children can do at school to promote good sanitation.

44. Name the group of worms  to which the following belong;

(i) Liver flukes.

(ii) Hook worms.

(b) Apart from improving soil aeration , identify any other two ways in which earth worms are important in the soil.

45.(a) To which class of lever deos a see-saw belong?.

(b). Two pupils . Okello and Jjuko sat on a see-saw . Okello who weighs 40kg sat 2.5 metres away from the pivot on one side of the see-saw . Jjuko sat 4 metres away from the pivot on the other side. Find the mass of Jjuuko if the see-saw was balanced.

46.The diagram below shows an experiment carried out on two equal amounts of soil samples A and B. Equal amount of water was poured on the soil samples . The water that passed through the soil samples after ten mintues was collected in containers of the sme size as shown. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) What property od soil was being studied in the experiment.

(b) State the function of the cotton wool in the experiment above.

(c) Given that the two soil smples were from sand and clay ,wdich of the two samples was clay?.

(d) Give any one reason for your answer in (c) above.

47. Name the largest vein in the human body.

(b). Name the type of blood that is transportated by the pulmonary artery.

(c). State one charatersitic of arteries that enables them to carry blood at high pressure.

(d). Give one way the struture of capillaries enables them toexchange body materials.

48. Write down any two things that can be added to chicken feeds in order to increase the amount of calcium.

(b). State  any two practices a poultry farmer can do to layers to increase on egg production.

49.Your are provided with the following materials;

Salt, sugar, teaspoon, boiled water and clean  containers .After washing your hands ,write four other steps you will take to prepare salt, sugar solution for treating dehydration at home.

50. Give the meaning of the following terms;

(i) Agroforestry

(ii) Mixed cropping

(b) State any two charatersitics of a tree suitable for agroforestry.

51. Name the two states of matter through which heat travels by convection.

(b). State any two ways in which heat transfer by convecton is helpful in our daily life

52.The diagram below is of a human respitratory system. study the diagram and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the part marked D.

(b) Which substance is part Q  made of ?.

(c). Give the function of the part marked S.

(d). What happens to part B during thr process of breathing in ?.

53.Name the method of seed dispersal in;

(i) Black jack

(ii) Coconut

(b) Give any two ways in which seed dispersal is important to plants.

54.The table below shows crop growing practices in part B and  their importance in part C

B: Crop growing practice C: Importance
Staking - Prevents overcrowding of plants
Mulching - Removes unwanted plants
Thinning - Prevents fruits from rotting
Weeding - Conserves soil moisture



Match correctly the crop growing practices with their importance in the spaces provided below.

(i) Staking

(ii) Mulching

(iii) Thinning

(iv) Weeding

55. State any two effects of chewing miraa(khat) to the human body

(b). Mention any two things a teenager can do to avoid the habit of chewing miraa(khat).