1. Mention any one pratice that can promote order in a home.

2. Mention any one way in which School children can misuse their rigt to education

3. State any one way in which a community can help the police to keep law and order.

Use the diagram below to answer question 4.

4. Name the direction of pont B.

5.Give any one way through which the colonialist comunicated with the local people in uganda.

6. State one way n which the International Monetary Fund (IMF) helps to promote development in uganda.

7. What is the major toursit attracton in Mgahinga National Game Park.

8.State any one advantage of having an Environment Maganment Club ina school.

9. Name the arm of the Great Rift Valley which passes through Uganda.

10.Mention any one effect of a long period drought on agriculture

11. How are hills important to telecommunication companies in uganda.

12. Mention any one roled played by Kwame Nkurumah during the pan African Conference of 1958.

13. what does the map symbol below represent ?.

14.Give the meaning of the term 'population density'.

15. Name any one block mountain found in Tanzania.

16. Give anu one reason why Uganda has less irrigation projecyts compared to Libya.

17. Apart from money, mention any one other personal thing that people can keep in a  bank.

18. Mention any one way in which the Temperate grasslands are economically important to the peole of  SouthAfrica.

19. Give any one reason why polling stations should have police officers during election.

20. Mention any one way in which a school can preserve the culture of a community.

21. State any one reason for the signing of the Anglo-German treaty of 1890.

22. Menton any one way in which oil drilling can benefit the people living in the Albertine region.

23. State any one cause of teenage pregnanciesin uganda.

24.Mention any one way in which the National Constitution helps to promote peace in a country.

25. Name the feature on thhe Uganda Coat of Arms which symbolises the Tropical Climate.

26.Give any one way in which the setting up of small scale industries in rural areas can reduce rural-urban migration.

27.Mention any one way in which families can solve the problem caused by high food prices in Uganda.

28.Why do some people build their houses with slanting roofs?.

29. Give any one way through which the African Union(AU) promote peace among member countries.

30.State any one reason why most pastroral communities are settled in the plains.

31. Name the line of longitude that passes through Accra in Ghana.

32. Give any one way in which Ugandans benefited from representation on the Legislative Council(LEGCO)  during the struggle for independence.

33. Give any one reason why the number of children dying of diseases has gone down in East Africa.

34.Give any one reason why few people use newspaper as a means of communication in EastAfrica.

35. Why is mob justice a bad practice n communities?.

For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the christain OR islamic question but not both.


What term is used by christians to mean the act of asking for forgiveness afyter wrongdoing?.


What term is used by muslims to mean the act of asking for forgiveness afyter wrongdoing?.


Mention any one reason why a christain should not live a lazy life


Mention any one reason why a muslim should not live a lazy life


Name the brother of Simon Peter who was called by Jesus to follow him.


Name the person who was the uncle of Prophet Muhamad(P.B.U.H)


In what way did God punsih the human race beacause of their disobedience during Noah's time?.


In what way did Allah punish the human race because of their disobedience during Nuhu's time?.


Mention any one way in which  christian can improve  the lives of people suffering in their community.


Mention any one way in which  christian can improve  the lives of people suffering in their community.


41. Use the sketch map of Uganda below to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name  the natural forset found in the area marked O.

(b) Mention any two reasons why the area around Lake marked F is suitable for farming.

(c) Use letter D to show Albert Nile on the map.

42.Give any two reasons why the Banyoro staged the Nyangire Rebellion of 1907

(b) State any two positive effects of the Mau Mau uprising on the African communities in Kenya.

43.Mention any two raw materials the Europeans received from Americans during he Trans-Atlantic trade.

(b) State any two posistive effect of the Trans-Atlantic trade on the people of A frica.

44. Name any one common natural disaster in Uganda.

(b) Mention any two human activities that cause disasyers in Uganda.

45.Study the sketch map of Kenya and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the ports marked:

(i) A

(ii) B

(b) Give any one reason why the railway line was constructured from town A to B

(c) Mention one problem faced by the builders of the railway in the area marked  K

46. Give the source of the following forms of energy.

(i) Solar energy

(ii) Wind energy

(b)State any two benefits of extending hydro-electric power(HEP) to all parts of Uganda.

47. On which type of goods is customs tax charged?.

(b)State any two reasons why some people in Uganda are not wiliing to pay taxes.

(c) Why does the government set up revenue check points on roads?

48.Name the place in modern Tanzania through which the early explorers entered EastAfrica.

(b) In which two ways was the sultan of Zanzibar helpful to early explorers to East afirca.

(c) How did some wrong information about Africa make the work of the explorers difficult?.

49. Apart from farming , give any one other example of a primary industry in Uganda.

(b)State any one way in which cash crop growing increases industrial development in EastAfrica.

(c) Mention any two reasons for the slow industrial development in some African countries.

50. Study the climatic table and use it to answer the questions that follow.

Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Rainfall(mm) - - - - 20 18 22 16 - - - -
Temperature(c) 37 39 40 40 40 39 37 39 40 42 44 38

(a) Name the month of the year that received the highest amount of rainfall.

(b)Identify the type of climate shown in the table.

(c) What is the temperature range of the climate shown in the table?.

(d) Menton one factor that influnces the types of climate shown in the table

For each of the questions 51 to 55 , answer EITHER christain OR islamic question but not both.


(a) Mention any two qualities of a good friend

(b) Give any one reason why a christain child should have good friends.

(c) State any one way of keeping good friends.


(a) Mention any two qualities of a good friend

(b) Give any one reason why a muslim child should have good friends.

(c) State any one way of keeping good friends.


(a) Mention any one cause of suffering in our society.

(b) State any one way in which Jesus suffered during his life on earth.

(c) Mention any two thngs a christain can do in times of suffering.


(a) Mention any one cause of suffering in our society.

(b) State any one way in which Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) suffered during his life on earth.

(c) Mention any two thngs a muslim can do in times of suffering.


(a) Name any two types of books in the holy bible.

(b) Mention any one way in which christains give respect to the Holy Bible.

(c) Why do christains use the Holy Bible when preaching?.


(a) Name the Holy Book that was revealed to Prophet Issa.

(b) Mention any one way in which muslims give respect to the Holy Quran.

(c) Why do christains use the Holy Quran when preaching?.


(a) Apart from love, mention any other two paryts of the friut of the Holy spirit.

(b) Give any two ways in which the holy spirit is important in the life of a christain.


(a) State any two ways in which observing the pillars of islam can change the life of a muslim.

(b) Give any two ways in which articles of islamic faith are important to muslims.


(a)State the traditional way of reconcilation.

(b) Menton any two ways in which christians carryout reconciliation.

(c) Why is reconciliation very important in our communities?.


(a)State the traditional way of reconcilation.

(b) Menton any two ways in which muslims carryout reconciliation.

(c) Why is reconciliation very important in our communities?.