In each of the questions 1 to 5, fill in the blank space with a suitable word.

1. Uganda gained independence ..........................1962.

2. That is the girl.................. mother is our PE teacher.

3. .......................................narrow the road to Akapu village is !.

4. The skillful ............................... has varnished the piece of furniture he made yesterday.

5. Bruno is very happy beacause all the eggs trhat his hen............................ have hatched.

In each of the questions 6 to 15 , use thw correct form of the word given in brackets to complete the sentence.

6. Mr. Mugisha was given  a prize for being the best ........................................ in the village. (farm)

7.Andrian's little sister will do the homework by ...............................(herself).

8. Reading a story book is more.......................................... tham writing an article.(enjoy)

9. Who si the .............................................. of the twins? (smart)

10. One should always ask for .......................... if one makes a mistake.(forgive)

11.When the thief saw the policeman, he ............................ in the bush .(hide)

12.Most urban areas are ........................ populated .(dense)

13. Peter's father held the baby........................... in his arms .(gentle)

14.Our teachers do not like children who are ........................(quarrel).

15. The class teach punished he pupil for................................ her classmate during the meeting.(shame)

For questions 16 to 17 , rearrange the given words to form a correct sentence.

16. marriages avoid should We early


17. bake Do cakes know you to how?

In question 18 to 19 , write the short form of the given words.

18. Honourable..................................

19. would not.....................................

For questions 20 and 21 , arrange the given words in alphabetical order.

20. chalkboard,   cupboard,    cup,   chalk

21. potato,   yam,  rice,     millet

For questios 22 to 24 , rewirte the setences giving one word fo the underlined group of words 

22.Ann mary's mother hates people who tell lies.

23. Some of our classmates are from kenya.

24. Our scholl is not far from the police post.

For question 25 and 26 , re write the sentence giving the opposite of the underlined words.

25. The cyclist who intentionally knocked down the traffic officer has appeared in court

26. Bernda walked downstairs to collect her clothes.

For the question 27 and 28 , use each of the given words ina sentence to show that you know the diffrernce in their meaning.

27. root................................................

28. route.................................................

In each of the questions 29 and 30,  give the plural form of the given word.

29. ferry.........................................

30. goose...........................................


In each of the questions 31 to 50, rewrite the sentences as instructed in the brackets.

31.The teacher will not travel to Kampala next week. The school nurse will not travel to Kampala next week. (Rewrite as one sentence beginning: Neither...........................)

32. The boys cleaned the well. The girls cleaned the well.(Rewrite as one sentence using ............... and  so............)

33.We started learning english seven years ago. We are still learning it.(Rewrite as one sentence using:................ for .......................)

34. Disobeying our teacher is bad.(Rewrite the sentence beginning:It...............................)

35 My uncle went to hospital. He wanted to see dentist.(Rewrite as one sentence using ................... in oder to........................)

36. Namuyisa likes weaving more than knitting .(Rewrite the senetence using .................... prefers......................................).

37. No sooner had the train left the station than more people arrived .(Rewrite the sentence beginning :As soon as......................)

38. Mula has not been studying . He has been playing football.(Rewrite as one sentence using ...................... instead of...............)

39. "Are you perfect in your school" the vistor asked me.(Rewrite as one sentence using:......................... wanted to know.......................)

40.Allan visited his grandparents alst holiday, didn't he?(Rewrite the sentence beginning: Allan didn't..............................)

41. Mother will go to the market .She will buy some fresh beans.(Rewrite the sentence  using:....................... when....................)

42.What a serious disease Ebola is! (Rewrite the sentence using .................. very ..........................)

43. Joan read the magazine. Joan read the newspaper.(Rewrite as one sentence using ......................... not only....................)

44. Whose cute baby is that one ?(Rewrite the sentence beginning: To.........................)

45. Mrs.Ssemaganda fed her hens very well . They did not give her many eggs .(Rewrite as one sentence beginning : Although.........................)

46. We should go to school early, orelse the teacher will punish us.(Rewrite the sentence using:....................... if.............................)

47. Our teachers always remind us to wash our hands before eating.(Rewrite the sentence using :........................... after............................)

48. An old man is taking care of the goats .(Rewrite the sentence beginning:The goats...................................)

49. Fatumah is very beautiful. Joy is very beautiful.(Rewrite as one sentence using :

50.This pair of scissors is so blunt that it can not cut a piece of cotton cloth.(Rewrite the sentence using: ..........


51. Read the passage below and then answer ,in full sentence,the question that follow.

Preparations for our school-leaver's party was on. First , we had a meeting . In the meeting , we agreed to hold our party in imperial hotel on the last friday of October.  The other agreemment was that we  would invite all our teachers to the party.We also agreed that each one of us would pay ten thousand shillings to attend.

A few days to the party however , only one upil called Joy had not paid. Her uncle , with whom she lived , had gone to the village to attend to his sick fater. We all felt sorry for her . Joy was a very disciplined and intelligent girl. When she was our head girl , every one at school like her. Fortunately, our class  monitor came up with an idea . He requested us to raise money for Joy to attend the party. He also talked to Mrs. Kole , our class teacher , about the issues. Thankfully, she gave us five thosuand shillings . We then raised the balance.

On the day of the party, we reached the hotel at midday . Smartly dresses waitresses welcomed us.

"Who is the master of ceremonies of the day?" one of them asked us.

Unfortunatelyt, we had forgotten to identify a master of cermonies (MC)  in our meeting. The class monitor therefore requested Joy to be the MC of the day . we all jumped up and down with excitment . Soon the waitreses led us to a hall decorated with flowers and balloons . There was soft music playing . Speaking itothat microphone , Joy asked us to take our seats . She then read the day's programme and advised us to behave ourselves.

At two o'clock .our lunch was ready. After our teachers had been served, the MC asked us to line up . As usual , some of us had no manners. We didnot want to make a line and we poured soup on ourselves. however, at the end of it all , everybody was happy. We thanked the  hotel managemnet for thier service . In aspecial way , the class teacher thanked Joy for managing the party well. She also wished us success in our final examinatons.

(a) Why was Joy unable to pay for the party?

(b)What did the class monitor requestteh pupils to  do?

(c)  How much money did each pupil pay to attend the party?

(d) when was the party held?

(e) Who received the puipls at the hotel?

(f) Why do you think the pupils were excited when Joy  was asked to be the MC?

(g) Why would you think that the hall looked attractive?

(h) Apart from pouring soup on themselves, in which other way did some of the pupils show lack of manners?

(i) Why was Joy thanked?

(j) Suggest a suitsble title for the passage.

52. Read the poem below carefully and then answer in full sentences the qustiobs that follow.

Why misbehave my brother , sister?

Why fight in class, outside,along the way home?

why damage, steal property?

why skip classes, lessons?


Any kind of misbehaviour 

Leads you nowhere

Nobody will make friends  with a thief,

No one will  become a friend of a liar or bully

Nor will anyone be happy with a  failure


Behave well brother ,sister

And you will receive blessings 

From parents , neighours,friends , teachers

Blessings  from the creator 


Brother, sister,

Those you share a class with

Are they good or bad?

Are they guiding or misleading you?

If bad and misleading , stay away from them.

Mary Lubanga

(a) Who is the speaker addressing in the poem

(b)Mention one person who shouldn't be your friend.

(c) Write any one form of misbehaviour, according to the poem.

(d)W ho should you keep away from inorder to be a good child?

(e) What will a well-behaved child receive from the creator?

(f)Who wrote the above poem?

(g) Which stanza talks about dangers of misbehaving?

(h)G ive  a word or group of words with the same meaning as each of the underlined words in the poem

(i) damage..................................

(ii) happy........................................

(i) Suggest a suitable title for the poem.

53.Yoy would like to borrow a dictionary from your school library.Write to the school librarian asking her to lend you one. Tell her that you will use the dictionary until your parents buy one for you at the end of the month. Promise that you will take good care of it. Use Beautiful Minds Primary school, PO BOX 316, Najjera as your address.

54.The sentences below are not in the correct order . Rewrite them in the correct order to form a composition about Road accidents.

(a) When drivers speed, they have little control over their vechicles.

(b) If we avoid these human errors and many others, the number of accidents will be reduced.

(c) Driving without a permit shows that the drive is not qualified.

(d) In Uganda, the number of road accidents has increased .

(e) The second type of of human error is speeding.

(f) This increase is largely because of human errors.

(g) The third type of human error is driving with out a permit.

(h) The first human error is driving after taking alcohol.

(i) And  many lives will be saved.

(j) Alcohol confuses the sight of most drivers.

55. The primary seven weekly revision timetable below was found at Mt. Henrys primary school. Study it carefully and then answer in full sentences the questions that follow.

Day Time Subject Pupil in Charge
Mon 7:30p.m-9:00p.m English Matovu Allan
Tue 8:00p.m-9:30p.m Mathematics Ssemaganda Trevor
Thur 8:00p.m-9:00p.m Social Studies with Education Cephas Andrew
Fri 7:00a.m-9:00p.m Science Nakirya Patricia
Sat 8:00-9:00p.m English Namukwaya Christine

 (a) Where was the above weekly revision timetable?

(b) For how long did the pupils revise Mathematics that week?

(c) Which pupil was in charge of revision on saturday?

(d) How many pupils were in charge of the revision that week ?

(e) On which day did the pupils revise Social Studies with Religious Eduction?

52(b) The Games and sports teacher of Atekere Junior School wrote and put the following information on the school notice board. Study it  carefully and then answer in full sentences the questions that follow.

Volley ball                                    volley ball

Atekere Junior School versus Star primary school

Date: 19th October 202

Venue: Atekere Junior School play ground

Time: 5:00p.m-6:30p.m.

Guest of Honour : MP Mbale City

come one! come all

(a) Who wrote the above information?

(b) Who is expected to be the guest of honour?

(c) At what time will that match begin?

(d) Where will the match take place?

(e) What is information about?